Five fact about Harappan civilization

A lot of things are amazing about the Harappa civilization But there are some things that make us wonder more Some things about the Harappan civilization that force us to think that all these things could have happened in that period

1.  Unreadable script - archaeologist are found some inscription (lettering) in Harappa but they have not been able to read till today.
2. Matriarchal -  it is found in many statue of women which shows that this civilization was maternal.people worshiped their goddess who was goddess of land and soil.
3. Scales - Indus Civilization people know about scales system. They are use weights.

4. Art and craft - people were skilled in art and craft. Statues Of Women , statue of bull , priest Idol and pottery were are received in Harappa which show the art of Harappa Civilization.
5. Brick ,Drain and Road - In this Civilization people was know how to make brick. They built own house by brick.Their houses had draining system people used drain. People used to make broad Road who used to cut each other at right angle. There are three type of road in Harappa civilization.

Discovery of Harappa civilization

Pictures taken from other sources


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